When applying to college, you are bound to come across unfamiliar terms. Below is a list of some common terms you may hear in your college admissions decision letters. Deferred Admission is permission from a college that has accepted you to postpone enrolling, usually for up to one year. Early Action (EA) is the option […]
College Application Writing Tips
When you’re thinking about beginning your college essay, it can be difficult to know where to start. Below is a list of general writing tips to help you get started. Select a College Essay Topic About You When using the Common Application, you will have a list of suggested topics as well as the option […]
Dos and Don’ts on Writing Your College Essay
To make the college essay writing process easier for you, here is a simple and straightforward list of what to do and what not to do when you begin. Do stay within your word limit The online application won’t accept essays that are under 250 words or over 650 as stated before. Your essay must […]