Before you begin your college applications, it is a good idea to narrow down your colleges to a list that can be referred to throughout the application process. Make a List of Colleges The common application may tempt you to begin the application process with only a vague idea of which schools you may want […]
What do these words or terms mean? Common College Admissions Glossary Terms
When applying to college, you are bound to come across unfamiliar terms. Below is a list of some common terms you may hear in your college admissions decision letters. Deferred Admission is permission from a college that has accepted you to postpone enrolling, usually for up to one year. Early Action (EA) is the option […]
College Application Writing Tips
When you’re thinking about beginning your college essay, it can be difficult to know where to start. Below is a list of general writing tips to help you get started. Select a College Essay Topic About You When using the Common Application, you will have a list of suggested topics as well as the option […]